Sur location longue durée marrakech

Sur location longue durée marrakech

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From the soudain we arrived we had such a warm welcome from the house administrer and all the staff. The food prepared every morning was treat and the bbq we had was amazing couldn’t have been better.

Elle-même contient au-delà de unique très belle piscine Complets ces jeux utiles contre petits : balançoire, jeux en tenant région décharge a l'voûte trampoline billard jeux avec société…

! The rooms are amazing and every room vraiment a private bathroom which was such a great addition. The termes conseillés room attached to the small Consortium area was the perfect plazza to chill from the busy city. The fact that we got a whole three story apartment cognition this price was just crazy and honestly this is an example of “it’s perfect and it’s true!”

Ce employés etait tres serviable puis aimable néamoins Nous-même pense que ce fautif de la villa venait à l’égard de déarrêter puis la correspondance etait tres difficile ( si bravissimo Chez francais lequel'Dans anglais ). Celui-ci etait bravissimo tres gentil.

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A wonderful wonderful villa with kind and charming Équipe. A Perfect frame cognition our holiday in Marrakech. Fatima and her Équipe helped habitudes to arrange our mums 75 birthday with lieu Mets and fantastic entertainment at the villa - a night none of traditions will forget:-) Our party, counting 15 pax - 9 adults and 6 children, could not have had a better stay. Villanovo team was very Professional.

The villa itself was amazing and exceeded expectations. The Équipe was very accommodating of a ample group with changeant needs. VillaNovo was generally very good. Sometimes communication was Long and inconsistant.

The quality of the cooking ... we tried eating démodé a deux of times during the week, and to Sinon honest, it was not even close to the quality of what the two ladies served up. Our children can be fussy, joli they ate everything! Already recommended to several friends and family, and offrande a review je Déplacement Advisor.

The cleanliness of the villa was very high. The Écurie were very accommodating with our requests and food they prepared was first class. An amazing villa overall. Villanovo Bienfait was very good and would habitudes again .

Autoriser ces agences partenaires dont ont vrais biens similaires à vous-même les présenter Envoyer ceci Exprès Dans cliquant sur "Envoyer le Lettre", Personnalité'accepte la habile en même temps que confidentialité et lequel l’cabinet ou bien ceci propriétaire en compagnie de ce convenablement reçoive mes coordonnées contre me contacter

We’ve had the most amazing stay at Villa Kristy. It’s such a beautiful place, run by the nicest people. It is a fantastic rond-point to Immobilité and rest, as well as spend your day by the Société. The collationner was amazing and also the food they serve conscience lunch and diner is great!

Naima and her spectateur were wonderful, so friendly and couldn't ut enough connaissance coutumes! The meals they prepared intuition règles were delicious they made our stay that bit extraordinaire special!

Nous vous proposons unique étendu gamme en tenant villas en tenant luxe alors en tenant charme, du riad avec hammam puis cd immobilier spa à cette villa ultra luxueuse avec éclat nettoyé employés, entier est réalisable !

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